
KONPRO Protection Relays in new transformer station Imotski – the key power supply node

New Transformer station Imotski is part of capital investment of HEP DSO in the area of Elektrodalmacija Split. TS 110/20(10) kV Imotski has been built as a replacement for old TS 35/10 kV Imotski Konjevode (2 x 8 MVA built back in 1957.). As power consumption in this area has significantly grow in last decade and expected demand is even bigger, new Transformer station was necessity. This new Transformer station will increase network capacity, power supply reliability and electric energy quality in the Imotski region.


For Transformer station TS 110/20(10)kV Imotski [20(10)kV part)] and TS 35/20(10)kV Konjevode, KONČAR INEM delivered protection relays series KONPRO including feeder terminals, transformer protection, capacitor bank protection and protection of all other medium voltage bays. KONPRO relays RFX, RFD and RFC models have been deployed, 31 in total.

Main contractor was our sister company KONČAR – KET, while KONČAR – INEM beside protection relays delivery, also conducted relays settings, secondary and primary testing, SAT, commissioning and protection coordination with TSO.


April 20th, 2017|Tags: |

KONČAR – INEM on Lider Smart City Conference named “Smart solutions for a sustainable city”

At this year’s Lider Smart City Conference named “Smart solutions for a sustainable city,” KONČAR – INEM once again proved to be a desirable partner representing its smart solutions for ongoing and realised projects: Smert Metring and Water Leakage Management in water utility VIO Zagreb, Energy Information System of the city of Zagreb and Digital oilfield surveillance system for Shell Nigeria DC.

In addition to these projects, the importance of the advanced data use in the construction of Smart Cities was presented, as well as key issues in the form of EU directives regarding open data in public domain (Public Sector Information – PSI Directive) and the new directive on the personal data protection (GDPR – Global Data Protection Regulation).

After the presentation and introduction into the topic, Ph. D. Drago Cmuk moderated a panel discussion titled “DATA ABC – BASIS smart solutions: Transformation of the Big Data into smart data, processing, storage and security.” The other panelists were directors Kreso Troha (DATACROSS Križ) and Vlado Rendulić (Apis IT) with leading consultants Damir Medved (Ericsson Nikola Tesla) and Darijo Ramljak (IBM).  The conference was nicely visited by many mayors, state representatives, representatives of utility companies and public and local government, along with the expert public working in the field.

April 14th, 2017|Tags: |

Successful commissioning of two converters KONTRAC PN30AC

Last week the engineers of Končar-INEM as a subcontractor of Končar-KET successfully commissioned two converters KONTRAC PN30AC in railway stations Pazarić and Raštelica in central Bosnia. The stations are located on part of railway line between Sarajevo and Konjic – this railway line is a vital part of railway which connects Sarajevo with Mostar and Luka Ploče.

The converters KONTRAC PN30AC are located in the railway stations facilities in which, they ensure power supply of railway signalling and protection devices in the case of power outage from the primary distribution network. In that case, power supply is ensured from the railway overhead line via transformer and the converter KONTRAC PN30AC which, on its output, enables stable power supply of railway signalling and protection devices and different consumers inside the stations facilities.

April 10th, 2017|Tags: , |