
Recenzija novog industrijskog servera u časopisu Mreža

Kako je KONČAR MIC-7500 SCADA server ocijenjen na opširnom testu, pročitajte ovdje ili u novom dvobroju časopisa Mreža.

July 28th, 2016|

Delivery of excitation system for HPP Plave, HPP Brežice, HPP Mulungushi and HPP Lunsemfwa during the June

During June 2016. , after successful FAT in the presence of customer representatives, BU Power electronic systems, Excitation Systems and Renewables delivered total of 9 excitation systems for HPP Plave 1, (2x11MVA), HPP Brežice (3×21,5MVA) both in Slovenia and HPP Mulungushi 1x8MVA and HPP Lunsemfwa 3×6,25 MVA both in Zambia, as a subcontractor of KONČAR – Power Plant and Electric Traction Engineering Ltd.

Start of installation and final tests at these facilities is expected during this year and early next year.

With this delivery Koncar – Electronics and Informatics Inc again confirms the fact that its flexible approach, knowledge and ability of its employees, can meet all the technical requirements appointed from final customers.

July 21st, 2016|

Isporuka sustava uzbuda za HE Plave, HE Brežice, HE Mulungushi i HE Lunsemfwa

Nakon uspješnih tvorničkih ispitivanja pred predstavnicima kupaca tijekom lipnja, PJ SEE Uzbude i OIE isporučila je ukupno devet sustava uzbuda za HE Plave 1 (2x11MVA) i HE Brežice (3×21,5MVA) u Sloveniji,  te HE Mulungushi (1x8MVA) i HE Lunsemfwa (3×6,25 MVA) u Zambiji, sve kao podizvođač KONČAR – Inženjering za energetiku i transport d.d. Početak radova i završna ispitivanja na navedenim objektima očekuju se tijekom ove i početkom sljedeće godine.

Ovom isporukom je KONČAR – Elektronika i informatika d.o.o. potvrdio da fleksibilnim pristupom, znanjem te sposobnošću svojih zaposlenika  može zadovoljiti sve tehničke zahtjeve krajnjih kupaca.

July 21st, 2016|