
INEMovci na skupu elektroindustrije ‘CIGRÉ Türkiye’

U sklopu konferencije o elektroenergetskom sustavu u organizaciji turskog ogranka CIGRÉ, Mateja NOVAK, Blaženka BRKLJAČ i Ivan KELEMEN iz KONČAR – Elektronika I informatika prezentirali su, zajedno sa Zlatkom TEČEC iz KONČAR – Institut za elektrotehniku, članak pod nazivom: “Implementation and commissioning process of IEEE Power System Stabilizer type PSS2B in power plants”.


November 21st, 2016|

Hydro conference in Switzerland – Hydro 2016.

KONČAR INEM Hydro 2016.

In Montreux, from 10 to 12 October the largest international conference and exhibition in the field of hydropower sector is held. This year’s conference topic is “Achievements, Challenges and Opportunities”.

At the stand number 127 KONČAR will present the latest achievements in the field of hydropower.  Come, meet our colleagues and find out more about our excitation systems!

October 11th, 2016|

September 21st to 22nd, 2016, Nairobi, Kenya

East African Power Industry Convention brings together the most important entities in the energy sector in East Africa. Come and find out more about our excitation systems at booth 705.

At the conference, on 22 September a panel discussion will be held on the theme “Optimising the Performance of Utilities Infrastructure” in which Stipan Kaleb from KONČAR – Power Plant and Electric Traction Engineering will participate. After the panel discussion, under the Technical Workshop Grid, Stipan Kaleb will hold a presentation on “Challenges of Rehabilitation and Modernisation of HPP”.



September 19th, 2016|Tags: , , |