
Commissioning of small hydro power plant in Istria is finished

In Velika Šuma near Umag the commissioning of small hydro power plant was completed and it is ready for continuous operation. In addition to the SHP Velika Šuma being the first hydropower plant in Istria, it is also the first in the water supply system in Croatia. Its construction was led by KONČAR INEM for investor Istrian Waterworks Buzet with the support of Istrian regional energy agency.

The plant, located in a new building, is a part of the water supply system Gradole from which water the western coast of Istria is supplied. In doing so, the water is first drawn from the water treatment plant Gradole Brdo, at an altitude of 190 m, then there is the fall towards the rest of the system, and it is precisely this fall, that is the pressure difference, that is being energetically used. At the end of the pipeline there is a turbine that converts otherwise lost energy into electricity. The plant will automatically maintain a constant level of water in the water tank and regulate the flow of water to the turbine nozzle according to the consumption at the outlet of the water tank. In the period of consumption below 20 l / s (night hours and in winter) the turbine turns itself off and automatically restarts at signalling safety-minimum water level.

The operation of the small hydro power plant Velika Šuma is fully automated and has the option of remote monitoring. After a one-month trial operation the plant will begin regular work. Annual production of electricity of the small hydro power plant will be about 300,000 kWh, which will provide an annual income of KN 300,000 from the sale of electricity.

December 9th, 2016|Tags: , |

INEMovci na skupu elektroindustrije ‘CIGRÉ Türkiye’

U sklopu konferencije o elektroenergetskom sustavu u organizaciji turskog ogranka CIGRÉ, Mateja NOVAK, Blaženka BRKLJAČ i Ivan KELEMEN iz KONČAR – Elektronika I informatika prezentirali su, zajedno sa Zlatkom TEČEC iz KONČAR – Institut za elektrotehniku, članak pod nazivom: “Implementation and commissioning process of IEEE Power System Stabilizer type PSS2B in power plants”.


November 21st, 2016|

Hydro conference in Switzerland – Hydro 2016.

KONČAR INEM Hydro 2016.

In Montreux, from 10 to 12 October the largest international conference and exhibition in the field of hydropower sector is held. This year’s conference topic is “Achievements, Challenges and Opportunities”.

At the stand number 127 KONČAR will present the latest achievements in the field of hydropower.  Come, meet our colleagues and find out more about our excitation systems!

October 11th, 2016|